Vzdelávacia magnetická tabuľa s číslami a počítadlom

€15,90 / ks
Skladom (>5 ks)

Obojstranná tabuľa (kriedová a magnetická) vybavená prídavným počítadlom a ďalším príslušenstvom. Skvelá hračka pre vaše deti! Vďaka modernej otočnej doske vo vašej domácnosti zostanú steny, dvere, nábytok či iné predmety, na ktoré vaše dieťa s obľubou maľuje, v perfektnom stave.

Detailné informácie

Slovenská firma
Rýchle doručenie
Telefonická podpora

Podrobný popis


  • For children over 3 years old
  • Stable wooden construction
  • Double-sided whiteboard for drawing with chalk or a marker
  • Coloured magnetic numbers included
  • Chalk, sponge, marker
  • The toy develops manual skills
  • Child-safe design
  • brand product


The toy has a rotating blackboard, thanks to which each side of the board is used for different fun. Little artists have at their disposition a traditional black board for drawing with chalk, while the white side of the board is used for drawing with erasable markers or attaching magnetic letters.

Thanks to its many functions, children will be able to endlessly create their little works of art, play school or make puns.


Under the board there is a colourful abacus and an additional stick with numbers and mathematical operations, thanks to which the child can learn the basics of counting while playing. A toy clock with rotating hands helps children learn to read the time.


  • Dimensions: 37x27,7x5,7 cm
  • Set includes: 2 in 1 board, marker, chalk + sponge,magnetic letters
  • From: 3 years old
  • Certificates: CE, EN71, SGS
  • Weight: 1,5kg
  • Product code: MB385
  • brand product

Dodatočné parametre

Záruka: 2 roky
Hmotnosť: 1 kg
Celková hmotnosť: 1 kg
materiál: drevo
Veková kategória: Od 3 rokov
? materiál:
? Veková kategória:
? Celková hmotnosť:

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