Stojan na notebook na stôl pri posteli 60x40cm - čierny

€14,90 / ks
Skladom (>5 ks)

Spájate radi Vašu prácu s potešením? Tento moderný skladací  stolík na notebook Vám to umožní ! Pohodlne sa usaďte na svoje obľúbené miesto na pohovke, rozložte stolík, umiestnite svoj notebook a začnite pracovať . Alebo chcete sledovať film ležiac v posteli, ale bojíte sa, že sa váš notebook príliš zahreje? Buďte si istí, že stôl zabráni prehriatiu vášho notebooku! 

Detailné informácie

Slovenská firma
Rýchle doručenie
Telefonická podpora

Podrobný popis


  • Perfect for working on a laptop, reading, writing, eating
  • Stable construction on aluminum legs
  • Profiled top - 60x40 cm
  • A place for a cup and a tablet or phone
  • Table top made of chipboard and stain-resistant laminate
  • Non-slip rubber "feet".
  • A product of the Modern Home brand


This compact, extendable table is the perfect solution for everyone who works, studies on the go or at home. Anyone who likes to read the press in a comfortable position while sipping morning coffee will appreciate its functionality during breakfast and relaxing in bed.


The tabletop is made of chipboard, which has been covered with a veneer resistant to dirt and damage. The legs of the table are aluminum, rounded "skids" with rubber lagging that stabilize the table and prevent it from slipping. One move is enough to fold it , which makes it easy to transport and store.


  • Dimensions: 60x40x28
  • Material: chipboard, aluminum
  • Product code: PJJLT0001-02
  • Brand: Modern Home

Dodatočné parametre

Záruka: 2 roky
Hmotnosť: 5 kg
farba: Farba
materiál: drevotrieska, hliník
Rozmery: 60x40x28
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