Drevené nástroje na upevnenie opasku DIY

€16,90 / ks
Skladom (>5 ks)

DREVENÉ NÁSTROJE. Opasok na náradie je súčasťou balenia. Skvelá hračka ako doplnok k drevenej dielni. Náradie bezpečné pre deti, bez ostrých hrán. Kreatívna hra na stimuláciu predstavivosti. Hračka natretá farbou s nízkymi emisiami súčasťou balenia je 9 kusov.

Detailné informácie

Slovenská firma
Rýchle doručenie
Telefonická podpora

Podrobný popis


  • Tool belt included
  • A great toy to complement the wooden workshop
  • Tools safe for children, no sharp edges
  • Creative play to stimulate the imagination
  • Toy coated with low emission paint
  • 9 pieces included


Every child loves to imitate adults. The wooden tools are a safe alternative to real tools. The whole set is perfect for playing as a DIY enthusiast or a small builder.

During such play, the child can learn how to use the tools, develop its imagination, creativity and manual skills.


During the play the toddler will have at their disposition tools such as:

  • A saw with a measuring tape marked on it
  • Screwdriver
  • Hammer
  • Open end spanner
  • Two screws
  • Hip belt

Additionally, different colours of the tools will inspire your child's sense of curiosity.

The toy is 100% safe for toddlers, the wood has no sharp edges and the paint used is low-emission safe for health.

Dodatočné parametre

Hmotnosť: 0.4 kg

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