Magnetická hra s bludiskom pre deti

€5,90 / ks
Skladom (>5 ks)

Rozvíja a precvičuje motorické zručnosti u detí. Umožňuje deťom učiť sa hrou, čo je jeden z najúčinnejších spôsobov, ako získať nové zručnosti.

Detailné informácie

Slovenská firma
Rýchle doručenie
Telefonická podpora

Podrobný popis


  • For children over 2 years old
  • Develops and exercises motor skills in children
  • Develops logical thinking
  • The board shows an amusement park
  • 15 metal balls
  • Brand product:


The maze board for children is a great adventure in the shape of an amusement park. This colorful and interactive board encourages little ones to develop their skills and logical thinking.

The maze is not just a playset, it is a small laboratory for the development of small minds. It allows children to learn through play , which is one of the most effective ways to acquire new skills. It is a combination of learning and joy that develops children's creativity and intellect in an incredibly attractive way.


There are as many as 15 colorful metal balls in the maze , which must be led to the right places using a plastic magnetic stick. Each ball has a designated destination, like a number with a color assigned to it. In the middle of the maze we have a movable element that we can freely rotate , so that the ball hits the right place.


  • Age group : 2 years+
  • Dimensions: 30 x 22.5 x 1.4 cm
  • Material: wood
  • 15 metal balls
  • Brand :

Dodatočné parametre

Hmotnosť: 1 kg
materiál: Drevo, 15 kovových guličiek
Pre deti: od 2 rokov
Rozmer: 30 x 22,5 x 1,4 cm
Pre deti: Od 2 rokov
Rozmer: 30 x 22,5 x 1,4 cm
Materiál: Drevo, 15 kovových guličiek

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